Grid Edge Map instructions

 Grid Edge Map Instructions: 

 Grid Edge customers are eligible for increased incentives under the Energy Storage Solutions Program. Grid Edge customers qualify for an upfront incentive adder of 25% for commercial customers and of 50% for residential customers. Grid Edge customers are defined as (1) a customer that resides on the top ten percent of circuits with the highest number of outages per customer during major storms since July 1, 2012, and (2) a customer that resides on the top ten percent of circuits with the longest outages due to major storms since July 1, 2012. 


How to see if you qualify: 

  1.  First, enter your project address into the Grid Edge map of your electric utility company.  
    1. If an Eversource customer, use the Eversource map. 
    2. If a UI customer, use the UI map.
  2. Wait a few moments for the Grid Edge map to fully load. For the Eversource map, this may take a couple of minutes. 
  3. If your project address is adjacent to a blue or red line (on the Eversource map), or a red line (on the UI map), then your project qualifies for the Grid Edge upfront incentive adder. 

 Examples of Project Addresses that Qualify for the Grid Edge Adder: 

 Eversource Grid Edge Map Examples- 

A battery project on Powerhouse Road would qualify for the Grid Edge incentive adder, because the project address is adjacent to a blue line.  

A battery project on Thompson Road would qualify for the Grid Edge incentive adder, because the project address is adjacent to a red dotted line.  

 A battery project on Caulfield Road would NOT qualify for the Grid Edge incentive adder, because the project address is not adjacent to either a blue or red line. 

 UI Grid Edge Map Examples- 

 A battery project on Wright Street would qualify for the Grid Edge incentive adder, because the project address is adjacent to a red line.  


A battery project on McKinley Avenue would NOT qualify for the Grid Edge incentive adder, because the project address is not adjacent to a red line.  


 Still have questions? Contact us here. 
